27 March 2006

Going darn sarf

Until recently I had the utmost respect for the RAF, not any more, I flew down from Baghdad to Basra, after I got my stomach off the ceiling of the C130 I found out that the take off was poorly to see how many passengers would be sick.

I am enjoying it down South, I will now be working with the British Military, I have put up some new pics in the gallery of my apartment in Kuwait City were I am staying with a nice lady called with ten same surname as me from South Africa.

Well the camps down Sarf are a great deal better than the ones up North, there’s no Iraqi Soldiers here, there is a definite difference in the working practices of both the US and UK Military, to the extent that British Military Convoys are not allowed to overtake US Military Convoys as the Americans think its funny to point their 50 Cal machine guns at the British Soldiers or throw stones at them.

I was visiting one US Base down south, they stopped an Australian Military Convoy and made every soldier show them their ID, they even made the gunner get out to show them their id, I can really understand why the US Military have such a bad reputation, especially after incidents were they forced one old man off ten road driving his small bongo with all his produce on when he was going to market, due to ten road conditions the old man couldn’t have gone anywhere, but the American convoy forced him off the road and his truck rolled onto its back destroying the produce which he was taking to market to earn money for his family. The head of the Private Security detail that would transport me around was American, and ex Special Forces, but didn’t have good thing to say about the US Military in Iraq, in the bar we gave him a certificate and made him an Honary member of the British Empire.

Whilst I was down in Southern Iraq I also went to the Temple and ruins at Ur, the birth place of Abraham, walked up the top of the temple and nearly dies, the view was spectacular though.

One thing that surprised me, at one camp, that also happened to have a bar, got chatting with one of the guys from the Royal Navy, turned out not only was he from the same town as me but his dad was also a police officer at the same station as me.

Although the camp was pretty small and there wasn’t much for me to do, I always had to stay the night, me along with the Royal Marines and Royal Navy had to educate the Civilian Site Manager from South Africa the British Military tradition of bar games and bar rule, poor guy got so drunk and having a hangover when its 52 degrees Centigrade is not a good thing, went out on one of the FAB’s it was excellent got to see the Iranian coast.


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